Bonbon-ephemera: making hard candy the old-fashioned way

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So cute, so bioephemeral: designer Wes Thomas created a laser-cut business card that snaps out to assemble a little giraffe. He's also done a gorilla. Via Notcot.
This beautiful photo by Kindra Clineff catches nature one-upping human craftsmanship. I can just hear that spider piping "neener neener neener". Also, it's a perfect follow-up to Christobal Vila's graceful animation about math in nature, which has now officially gone spiral-viral. Buy a print…
This wooden octopus counting toy is adorable! The only odd thing here is that the tentacles and baby octopi are numbered in a single sequence. It makes sense, I suppose - you want the child to put the numbers in the proper order, and that works better if you're filling gaps between numbers: 1 _ 3…
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