Video Book Review: Doubt is Their Product by David Michaels

For more video book reviews by Joanne Manaster, check out her YouTube page.

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For more video book reviews by Joanne Manaster, check out her YouTube page.
For more video book reviews by Joanne Manaster, see her page on YouTube.
Joanne Manaster reviews two books about distinguishing science fact from science fiction in our everyday lives: Bad Science, by Ben Goldacre, and Lies, Damned Lies and Science, by Sherry Seethaler. For more of Joanne's video reviews, see her web page, Joanne Loves Science, or her science reviews…
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Credit is a competitive industry, if you don't like the rate on offer from one lender then go somewhere else, if no one will lend to you at a decent rate maybe you shouldn't be borrowing. If the consumer is price sensitive then the price will fall. All that legislating maximum rates does is either restrict the availability of legal credit or induces the lender to increase other charges and fees (price controls restrict availability of the good subject to price controls

I'd also be willing to bet this didn't make it in Science and/or Nature. That said, the paper could have gotten through review there as well, as the process is just an effort at quality assurance, not a guarantee of said quality

I think it is fantastic how the stimulus funds are making a difference. They are being taken advantage of all the time with the installation of geothermal heat pumps to replace high energy heating and cooling systems.

The basic idea is that if you give away too much control over the core of your system, then you end-up with myriads of unsecure applications. If you need examples - see how windows looks like these days.

Application for mac O.S, and communicate with the system core through provided API key, but you don't have possibility to really change the core itself. Thats why Apple used to be so much more stable than windows

I'd also be willing to bet this didn't make it in Science and/or Nature. That said, the paper could have gotten through review there as well, as the process is just an effort at quality assurance, not a guarantee of said quality.mcx

Likewise, it should not matter how God created life, whether it was through a miraculous spoken word or through the natural forces of the universe that He created. The grandeur of God's works commands awe regardless of what processes He used.

I'd also be willing to bet this didn't make it in Science and/or Nature. That said, the paper could have gotten through review there as well, as the process is just an effort at quality assurance, not a guarantee of said quality.

Thanks for bringing this book to our attention. Good review!

By Steve Levin (not verified) on 19 May 2009 #permalink

Implying that only those with a PhD are qualified to identify shoddy scholarship is pure condescension. You made your case for that conclusion and anyone is free to argue with it.

I'd be curious to know the relationship between the museum and the history channel.
I'd also be willing to bet this didn't make it in Science and/or Nature. That said, the paper could have gotten through review there as well, as the process is just an effort at quality assurance, not a guarantee of said quality.

Credit is a competitive industry, if you don't like the rate on offer from one lender then go somewhere else, if no one will lend to you at a decent rate maybe you shouldn't be borrowing. If the consumer is price sensitive then the price will fall. All that legislating maximum rates does is either restrict the availability of legal credit or induces the lender to increase other charges and fees (price controls restrict availability of the good subject to price controls).

I'd be curious to know the relationship between the museum and the history channel.
I'd also be willing to bet this didn't make it in Science and/or Nature. That said, the paper could have gotten through review there as well, as the process is just an effort at quality assurance, not a guarantee of said quality.

When doctors opened the skull of a 3-day old from Colorado Springs to remove what they thought was a brain tumor, they were surprised to find a collection of organized body partsâincluding two small feet, a partial hand and intestines. "This was the most well-organized 'tumor' I've ever heard of," said ScienceBlogger PZ Myers

I believe the main reason why apple is locking its systems (both macosx and iphone) is software consistency and side effects.

The basic idea is that if you give away too much control over the core of your system, then you end-up with myriads of unsecure applications. If you need examples - see how windows looks like these days.

Instead, apple was always allowing only limited integration with its systems. Of course - you can still write some applications for mac, and communicate with the system core through provided API, but you don't have possibility to really change the core itself. Thats why Apple used to be so much more stable than windows.

In case of iphone its the same case - they just don't want every kid on the block to write sh*#ty apps, they want to have control over what people are writing and how secure it is - in order to be able to say: yes, its stable, we guarantee that.

There's no evil in this, its just customer service. Just like when you go to the restaurant you want someone (chef) to have control over what all the cooks are cooking.

I'd be curious to know the relationship between the museum and the history channel.
I'd also be willing to bet this didn't make it in Science and/or Nature. That said, the paper could have gotten through review there as well, as the process is just an effort at quality assurance, not a guarantee of said quality.