Another Poem for Riding the Waves

I'm not sure why I write so many poems about the waves. They must be somewhat cathartic. I've been having trouble writing what I ought to be, and this one sort of spilled out. Please, pardon if the meter is a little rough... I have yet to polish it up.


Who are they to think

That you can battle a wave?

Should you plunge a sword

In translucent swirling depths?

Or construct a mighty dam

And form a defensive front?

Force an attack

Splashing back

Make another wave

Cancel that approaching swell

Or will you increase its size?

Be inclined to ride the surf

To go with the flow

Or be ripped away by the tide.

If in some distant time

Should you meet a cliff

While riding this ceaseless

Entropic tsunami

Greet it with a smile

For pinnacles of stone

Will crumble to sand

Relenting to the surge

Of this endless chaotic sea.

KLF 8/22/06

Image note: The picture above is about a year old, taken at Russian Gulch, near Mendocino, California. It seemed appropriate here. As soon as we arrived on the beach, my son tried to battle the waves. What can I say... he gets it from me.

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