So it begins

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A quick heads-up: I'll be talking about the tree of life tomorrow morning on NPR's Saturday Weekend Edition. The segment will be archived on their "Science Out of the Box" web page. We'll be talking about everything from animals to mushrooms to the unclassifiable viruses that graft the tree of life…
Irish boxer Kenny Egan is in the light heavyweight final against Xiaoping Zhang as I type. Naturally, I can't see it live in this country ... instead I get to see a bunch of overpaid millionaires play basketball against Spain. Here's hoping the Spaniards win. Best I can do is follow the fight…
Last night, "Joe the Plumber" (who's kinda like Conan the Barbarian, except that he's not) was featured front and center in the debates. So what did the actual Joe the Plumber think? By way of Jesse Taylor, from Politico: "McCain was solid in his performance," he says. "I still don't know where…
Final Update: Victory Day! In response to Shelley's request I've removed the text of the original email. Update III: Shelly has another post on what she wants out of this: Some have called for the boycott of all Wiley journals. While I appreciate the sentiment (more than any of you can know), I'm…

Scientists are about an order of magnitude smarter than your average conservative congressman, and this group outnumbers them as well ...could be interesting.

I guess the victims are usually smarter than the bullies ...

By Chris From Europe (not verified) on 08 Nov 2010 #permalink

Begins? It's shredded. Death throes. Scam over.

By The CO2 Fairy (not verified) on 08 Nov 2010 #permalink

atheists, we're gonna cut off your heads...