The pseudoskeptical argument goes something like this: the last decade hasn't been significantly warmer than the previous decade, so global warming has stopped. And because the causes of anthropogenic climate change have not stopped, the link between fossil fuel combustion and global warming is therefore broken. This is, of course, complete nonsense.
The video above from the good people at Skeptical Science should be widely disseminated. I have little to add, other than to emphasize we always have to take the long and truly global view, one that takes into account that most of the Earth's surface is covered by water, and stop going down the up escalator:
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HAHA! Doucheboy!!!!! Did you recently start peusod-journalisting for the NYT dot earth globull worming greeny weenie blog? They just got shut down. LMFAO!!!
Just checking, since you bring failure wherever you start parroting your golbull worming BS that you read on the internet and brilliantly plagiarize with zero insight or science knowledge.. Skwawk Skwawk!!!
L. M. F. A. O!!!!!!!!!
Ah, the teenagers are back.
Still angsty that you're not a grown up?