Got a study? Want to be in a study? This is the place.

More and more studies are online these days, which means that researchers can find a whole new array of participants for their studies, and anyone who's interested can become a real part of cutting-edge research.

But how can researchers find interested research subjects -- and how can people who want to participate find the studies that are interesting to them? We think we might be able to help. If you're conducting an online psychology study, or really any study that can be conducted remotely, just put all the vital details in a comment below.

Your study will appear in the "recent comments" sidebar list on the front page of CogDaily.

If you want to be a research participant, just look up this post every couple of weeks for updates. There's now a permanent link to this post in the sidebar, so you will always know where to look for exciting new studies.

I've got a few guidelines for researchers and participants below:

  • Please post only once per study!
  • Don't post until your study is ready to go, and include an end date for the study. You can also email me when your study is over and I'll add a note to your comment.
  • A trick for getting your study noticed: Put a very short (5 words or less) description of the study in the "Name" field of the comment form. Then your study description will appear in the recent comments list, and clicking on the description will take users directly to the URL you provide.
  • Please only use the comments on this post to announce studies. If there is a problem with one of the studies, contact the study administrator or email us.
  • Cognitive Daily can't review all the studies included here, so we aren't responsible for their content. But please do let us know if there is an ethical or other issue with a study listed here.
  • Researchers, let us know when your results are published. Maybe we'll write a Research post about it!
  • Have fun!

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You are invited to participate in a survey exploring the phenomenon of invisibility. I am a doctoral student at the University of Connecticut, and I'm interested in finding out about your experiences that you may have had of being overlooked, ignored, or otherwise slighted by others.

The survey and more details about the survey can be found here. Please note that participation is voluntary and all responses are anonymous. This study was approved by the UConn Institutional Review Board, Protocol # H07-061.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Judy Tan ( or 860-486-2540) or Dr. Felicia Pratto (

Thank you for your time!

Judy Tan

Consumer Behavior Lab is a website run by Jeff Galak, a doctoral student at NYU. There are several experiments posted on the site and some even have lotteries associated with them (i.e. participate and gain entry into a lottery for $X).

The experiments are centered around consumer behavior and behavioral psychology.

If you are interested in participating in any of them or would like to know when new experiments are posted (usually several per month) just go to and register. Registration is free and quick.

Thanks for your time!
Jeff Galak

...and thanks to Cognitive Daily!

You are invited to play The Attention Game as part of our study on attention. This game involves indicating the gender of people in pictures as quickly as you can. It takes about five minutes to complete.

More information about the study can be found here.

Thanks for your time and interest!

The Bergen DICE vLab is running online experiments dealing with decision making, consciousness and emotions. All the surveys are in English, all of them are paid.

If you are interested in participating fill in a short registration form @

Best regards from Norway

Michael Schulte

A group of students in Stanford University's Communication department is studying online recommendations systems. Please help by participating in our Fragrance Recommendation System survey. It is entirely web-based, and takes about 4 minutes to complete. Click on the following URL to take the survey:

Runs through the end of June at least; may run through part of July as well.

Thank you!
Christopher Lin
Stanford University 2009

Does your birth order affect personality? Using certain paradigms, some experiments find that it does. Other paradigms suggest not effect. In this new study we are using something of a blend between those two paradigms, and we'll see how it comes out. It should take about 5 minutes to completed, and will run through September at least.

This is an online study (5 - 10 minutes) on the interaction between masculinity, depression, and attitudes towards seeking professional psychological consultation, which I encourage all men to participate in.

Once the program analyzes your responses, you will see how your scores on masculinity and other related variables compare to other men who have taken the test.

This study examines your perception of traffic and driving. You will watch a series of driving scenes presented in a computer simulation video. The study takes about 5 minutes to complete, and will be run at least until October.

This study investigates your perception about future events. You will read a brief story and are ask several questions about the story developments. The whole study only takes about 10 min. Thanks for participating! We will run this study until the end of November.

This online questionnaire is about subjective experience during memory experiments and asks you to make judgments about how confident you think other people were from the justifcation statements they have given during a memory test - more info is provided on the first page of the questionnaire.

Many thanks for your participation!
[update: study complete -- thanks!]

By How do we unde… (not verified) on 24 Jul 2008 #permalink

This research stems from our interest in people's awareness of their own memory abilities, and people's justifications about how accurately they remember something. You will be shown justification statements that previous participants made when they thought they recognised a word as being one they had encountered earlier in an experiment and your task is to decide which category their justification falls into from: Remember, Know, Familiar, Guess.

More info is provided on the first page of the questionnaire.

Many thanks for your participation!

This experiment from the Sloman Lab at Brown University examines learning and decision-making. Participants are entered in a lottery to win $50 after they complete the five to ten minute survey.

Click Here to take survey

By Sloman Lab (not verified) on 05 Jun 2009 #permalink

This NEW experiment from the Sloman Lab at Brown University examines causal inferences. Participants are entered in a lottery to win $50 after they complete the five to ten minute survey.

Click Here to take survey

By Sloman Lab (not verified) on 07 Jul 2009 #permalink

I am developing a questionnaire that will help me to look at the relation between multimedia and feelings about the content. I would like to invite you to help me in validating this questionnaire.

The goal of this questionnaire is to gain further insight in the relation between multimedia and feelings, mostly with regard to how your feelings about the shown multimedia is determined by the content itself.

The test will take about 45 minutes. If you want to participate, please pick a time where it is unlikely that you will be disturbed by incoming email, people or phonecalls. You will be asked to register first before moving on to the test. Please write down your user name and password, you will need them again later on in the test because of the online tool we use. Before you start, make sure your sound is turned on and your browser is maximized! (The questionnaire works best in Internet Explorer en Mozilla Firefox.)

Participants are entered into a lottery, where I give away 3 Amazon vouchers of 20 euros to 3 randomly chosen participants.

You can find the questionnaire at:

Thank you very much for your participation in my research, I really appreciate your help! The questionnaire will be open until the end of August 2009.

Sincere regards,

Nele Van den Ende
nele dot van dot den dot ende at philips dot com