Father's Day!

Yesterday was Father's Day, of course, always a fun occasion for us dads. I'm generally not a huge fan of fake holidays but I usually find a way to make peace with them if they're all about presents for me.

In any case, I thought I'd share my take for this year as I think at least some of the items I received have a broader interest. It's also worth noting that in my family we usually take an attitude of enlightened self-interest for fake holiday gift giving -- in other words, the giver is allowed to give something they themselves would be interested in. We've come to calling that practice "Pulling a Daniel" after my younger son, who seems to have a particular gift for it.

Here goes:

We actually spent most of yesterday running a yard sale to get rid of a few years of accumulated junk, especially about 10 boxes of book. It went very well -- we made a few hundred bucks plus we got rid of a lot of stuff.

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