More Friday Fun: My new science fiction group in Friendfeed

As many have not doubt noticed over the months and years of my blog's existence, I am a hardcore science fiction fan. And just as with the science/librarian world, there are countless blogs and other sites about the science fictions/fantasy/horror worlds. And of course, I have trouble keeping up with all the happenings in that particular blogosphere.

To make it a bit easier (and more enjoyable) on myself, I created a Friendfeed group and added a bunch of feeds to it -- a smallish assortment of reviewers, authors, publishers and news sites. I created it a few weeks ago and it's really made a difference for me keeping up with the blogs. It gets a maximum of 20-40 items a day, which is pretty easy to keep track of without being overwhelmed.

So, I thought you might enjoy it too: John's SFFH Feeds.

Feel free to join the room (or not). And if you think I'm missing something, let me know and I'll probably add it too. In particular, I'd like to have one or two really good feeds each on comics and horror fiction.

(Yes, I did start with io9 in the list, but it's just too darn much.)

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