Music Mondays: Allman Brothers guitar summit

Every year The Allman Brothers Band hold court at New York's Beacon Theatre for an extended run and 2009 was a very special year for them as it was the 20th anniversary of the event.

And being a jam band, they celebrated with a wide array of guests each night. Perhaps most notable were two nights with Eric Clapton -- notable because given the ties between the Allmans and Clapton and both their propensities for collaboration, they'd never appeared together on stage before.

Check out here for tons of Youtube coverage and directly for the songs with Clapton: Little Wing, Dreams, Why Does Love Got to Be so Bad, Layla, In Memory of Elizabeth Reed and Stormy Monday. Each song has multiple version on Youtube, some truncated, some continued over multiple videos, so you might have to hunt around a bit for the best version.

For me, one of the coolest things about these performances is that we get to see three generations of great players together on the same stage: Clapton, Warren Haynes and Derek Trucks, all three amongst Rolling Stone's 100 greatest guitarists. Clapton is #4, Haynes is #23 and Trucks is #81. Also related to the ABB, Dicky Betts is #58 and the late Duane Allman is #2.

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m'enfin ! :D je n'ai jamais dit que JJ Cale n'e9tait pas connu il l'est silempment bien moins que Clapton ! @KaG : je ne pense pas que tous les visiteurs de ce blog soient initie9s au rock et au blues, voile0 pourquoi je me permet de poster l'original de Cocaine ;) Et quand bien meame, une piqure de rappel ne fait pas de mal, non ? :) @ la belle bleue : j'ai toujours aime9 connaeetre les originaux des titres que j'e9coutais e0 la radio, et j'ai pense9 que cela pourrait faire un the8me original pour un site web : voile0 pourquoi j'ai lance9 il y a pre8s de 6 ans le site "samples & reprises", qui regroupe un grand nombre de re9fe9rences ;)