As you read this, I'm on a plane winging my way to the ScienceOnline 2011 conference. It's a great learning, sharing and networking opportunity for anyone interested in the way science happens online. It's highlight of the conference year for me.
It's also a serious hoot. A blast, a party, off the chain.
And it's reflected in the Twitter traffic. Here's a sampling from the last little while.
avflox A.V. Flox
Research indicates you can basically think yourself to orgasm. I didn't believe it either until I started to follow the #scio11 hashtag.BoraZ Bora Zivkovic
I set up my #scio11 office in the lobby of Marriott, getting hugs from every attendee as they walk in. Target: 300 hugs over three days!kzelnio Kevin Zelnio
my car already contains firefly, bourbon, kraken & my moonshine RT @Dr_Bik: @kzelnio your car = alcohol-mobile for supermarket runs #scio11h2so4hurts Brian Krueger
Changed my oil, topped off the coolant, added wiper fluid, changed the wipers. Looks like I'm ready for a #scio11 road trip!arikia Arikia Millikan
FYI #scio11 goers, rumor has it there is a pool AND hot tub at the Mariott. Hope you're bringing your ultimate swim fashions!JoshRosenau Josh Rosenau
Very late for #scio10, #scio11 may work RT @carlzimmer: Cooling my heels at Tweed airport, hoping our late plane is not too late... #scio10seelix Emily
#scio11 isn't *that* kind of conference! RT @gojiro: @seelix One pair is the thigh-high gold boots, right? :-)kzelnio Kevin Zelnio
Well ok, just one though! (as my 5yo wld say) RT @TomLevenson: @kzelnio Don't drink the bars dry tonight -- I'm heading to #scio11 tomorrow.marynmck Maryn McKenna
heh. (cough.) RT @drugmonkeyblog: Ovrhrd @ #scio11: "Holy crap, @AbelPharmboy is like the size of a Wookie. Somebody should warn a brother."drugmonkeyblog Drug Monkey
Ovrhrd @ #scio11: "...see that Tasmanian Devil whirling cloud of dust over there? Yeah, that's Bora"DrBondar Carin Anne Bondar
packed the hooker boots! RT @DNLee5: Ladies, don't forget to pack the FMPs stillettos for #scio11 openmike @DrIsis @scicurious @lyndellmbadermacpherson Rick MacPherson
Bourbon? Check. iPhone charger? Check. Teeny Moo biz cards? Check. Spandex truss to prevent hernia from excessive laughing? Check. #scio11
(And this is only a few hours' worth as I write this on Thursday afternoon.)
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