Links 1/27/11

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I'm not quite awake enough yet to deal with reviewing copyedits and reformatting figures for the book-in-process, so while I wait for the caffeine to kick in, let's talk something simple and cheerful: rural poverty. This week, Vox and the New York Times both touched on this, the former with a story…
After taking some time to mull over the events of last week--when I saw a side of I've not seen before, and that troubled me a great deal--I felt a strong need to clear the air. So let me say, at the outset of this first post in a series, that I speak for myself alone. There has…
Welcome to the introductory edition of Animalcules! Our first, and most pressing, issue is the name. As was pointed out in the comments here, there's already a monthly column in Microbe (formerly ASM News) called "Animalcules." But I still like the name, so I was thinking of incorporating…
Links for you. Science: Equations that Spell Disaster: Researchers are pinpointing the factors that combine to produce complex diseases. What are army ants? Angry Sunday rant on behalf of my friends in the Minority Academic Ghetto* Falling Off the Ladder: How Not to Succeed in Academia Will you…