Friday Fun: The bloated hydrogen atoms behave just as quantum theory predicts

Out of Context Science is the latest and greatest amusing shiny shiny new thing on the sciencey web these days.

Basically, the idea is to take a line or short quote out of context from a larger piece -- a paper or blog post, say -- and see how ridiculous such a thing can be.

Here's a few:

One: We then observed the male's sexual behaviour for 15 min... such contacts were immediately recognizable from the females' 'startle' response

Two: they immersed 11 women up to their necks in chilly water, monitored their rectal temperatures, and compared the results

Three: But the alpha males in the center of the harem have it particularly rough

Four: Sharks have been around far longer, but still failed to invent the internet.

Five: the bloated hydrogen atoms behave just as quantum theory predicts

Yes, you'll have to go to the Out of Context Science site to find the links to the original sources!



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