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For my own purposes I've been collecting various ebook-related posts for a while now and in particular the whole HarperCollins/library/ebook/Overdrive thing is a valuable source of lots of speculation and information. What I have below no doubt only represents a fairly small percentage of the…
I'm doing a short presentation later today on using social media as a researcher. It's part of the York University Faculty of Graduate Studies' Scholarly Communications Series. This one is titled Scholarship in the Public Eye: The Faculties of Graduate Studies and Liberal Arts and Professional…
Defending universities: engaging the public Oxford erupts in 'Battle of the Bod' Sexy in STEM? (great essay on women in science) The Free Ebook Farce Penguin to Expand E-Book Lending Supporting a new way to peer-review Transformational Leadership? CourseSmart Analytics Is a Bad idea (because it…
I'll be doing a session at the upcoming ScienceOnline 2011 conference on ebooks with David Dobbs, Tom Levenson and Carl Zimmer: Here's the description: Sunday, 11.30-12.30 eBooks and the science community - Carl Zimmer, Tom Levenson, David Dobbs and John Dupuis Ebooks are by far the fastest growing…