Around the Web: Scholarship in the Public Eye: The Case for Social Media

I'm doing a short presentation later today on using social media as a researcher. It's part of the York University Faculty of Graduate Studies' Scholarly Communications Series. This one is titled Scholarship in the Public Eye:

The Faculties of Graduate Studies and Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, along with the York University Libraries, are collaboratively facilitating a series of information sessions focused on scholarly communications intended for all graduate students and faculty members. The series will address issues related to research skills and research dissemination, including panel presentations and discussions on: literature searching and research mapping; proposal writing; participating in and organizing conferences and poster presentations; publishing monographs and articles in scholarly journals; intellectual property and open access considerations; and, communicating scholarship within nonacademic settings.

And yes, I'm the designated blog/Twitter/social media speaker. I have a short presentation that I did using Storify which I'll post tomorrow. If were following my Twitter stream yesterday, you may already have checked it out.

In any case, this list of resources is the one I'll be referring to in the presentation itself.

Feel free to add any suggestions in the comments.

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These are great resources - thanks for including a couple of my blogs in the list. There is a small but growing body of academic literature about social media. The articles are more descritpive and technical rather than critical. In its absence the social media literature on this topic is great.

Thanks, David. We're getting there, but it's taking time for a critical literature to get started up, I guess.


Thanks for including my blog in this, whilst I definitely don't fall into the academic bracket, I'm at least definitely a scientist...

Hope it went well!


You're welcome, Gavin. Lots of the posts I highlighted had nothing to do with academia and I think that was part of the point.