Friday Fun: Top Ten Signs You're An Adult

Ok, Friday Fun a day late. But better late than never, right?

Anyways, Top Ten Signs You're An Adult. And apparently punctuality and predictability aren't ones I've mastered.

  • All of a sudden everyone is taking about their "401k".
  • You have friends who have houses or really nice apartments.
  • You find your grandparents adorable and your parents hilarious.
  • You're freaking tired.
  • Your health is suddenly a big deal.
  • Christmas is just kind of like, whatever.
  • You don't care if you are totally uncool. You have no problem telling people that Ke$ha's 'Tik Tok' is one of the best pop songs ever written. You proudly wear your 2001 Britney tour tee. You watch movies that are for a demographic 10 years younger than yours. You don't give a monkey what people think about your tastes. You have no idea what the hot new bands are and you just don't care. You don't have the energy to follow trends or to pretend to be cool. And this. Is. Awesome.
  • Younger people have no idea who the Spice Girls are.
  • You root for the adults in kids movies.
  • ...and I guess you'll have to find out for yourself.

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