- The Decline and Fall of the Library Empire
- Do Librarians Work Hard Enough?
- Academia, Libraries, Work, and the Public Good
- Library-only 2.0 is dead. Long live Library 2.0!
- What Will Library/Information/Knowledge Graduates Be Doing 25 Years Hence?
- The Last Enclosures (Washington Post article response)
- Answering questions about library impact on student learning
- Libraries as software - dematerialising, platforms and returning to first principles
- An Elite University ... From Scratch?
- A New "Elite University" Gets $25 Million in Seed Funding
- Dear CEOs and senior managers, it's no longer ok not to know how Social Media works (directed at library managers)
- Books Are The New Apps
- Has Harry Potter just slain eBook DRM?
- The Biggest 'Pirates' And 'Freeloaders' Of Them All? College Professors And Librarians
- How We Will Read: Clay Shirky
- Decoupling the scholarly journal
- Going Digital â Lower Textbook Prices
- Giving Women the Access Code (getting more women to major in CS)
- Is Science Really Moving Faster Than Ever?
- Log in to post comments
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