The Canadian War on Science: A chronological account of chaos & consolidation at the Department of Fisheries & Oceans libraries

As is occasionally my habit when a big story breaks, I have gathered together all the relevant documents I could find concerning the recent controversy about the Canadian Conservative government's recent consolidation of the libraries at their Department of Fisheries & Oceans. The consolidation has resulted in severely weeded collections, library closures and staff layoffs.

I have more to say on the situation, probably next week, but I thought I'd compile this list first both for the common good and to help me frame my own thoughts.

As usual, if you note any errors or omissions in my, please let me know in the comments or by email. You can reach me at my work email, jdupuis at yorku dot ca, or my personal email, dupuisj at gmail dot com.

We haven't heard much from librarians at the DFO, so I'd very much welcome such feedback, either in the comments or via email. Please let us all know the details of what is going on, particularly with regards to how carefully and thoroughly the weeding was done as well as details on planning and resourcing for document delivery and digitization. Your anonymity will be respected.

General Resources


Links about other recent federal government library cuts & closures


The main list of articles, etc. for Department of Fisheries and Oceans library closures


Items with asterisks represent Government of Canada sites.

Update 2014.01.17. Updated list with several new items, mostly from January 10 but with a few older ones too.
Update 2014.01.27. Updated list with many items since last update as well as a bit of catch up on older ones. Added a section on other recent federal government library closures and cuts.
Update 2014.09.11. Huge update with slightly more than 100 items added to the three sections. Significantly I've added quite a bit on the closure of the library at l’Institut Maurice Lamontagne in Quebec, the only French-language library affected. I've also added quite a bit on federal government library cuts and closures in general. I may end up separating that material out into a separate chronological post at some point. As usual, please let me know about errors, omissions, accidental duplications, etc.


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Wrong title.

This is a war on Canadians who do not want Canada to be the land of reason and respect that harper and his minions are hell bent on destroying.

He must be stopped before it is too late to recover from his hideous agendas.

By ron wilton (not verified) on 10 Jan 2014 #permalink

Be sure to keep screen captures of gov sites and copy articles. Things digital have a way of disappearing. i did this for the census and much stuff disappeared.


By Tracey P. lauriault (not verified) on 10 Jan 2014 #permalink