Around the Web: DRM is a toothless boogeyman, Shaking up the lecture, Copyright in Canada and more

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My colleagues and I are taking our Creative Commons/Panton Principles presentation on the road to another library conference this winter. As a result, I'm still compiling more references on the topic so I thought I share what I've found recently with all of you. Of course, suggestions for more…
Harvard Faculty Advisory Council Memorandum on Journal Pricing: Major Periodical Subscriptions Cannot Be Sustained "No, we can't" A proposal for the library of the future Harvard: we have a problem Harvard Library: subscriptions too costly, faculty should go open access Could Harvard Library's "…
This is some vacation catch-up... Is Algebra Necessary? Mathematical Illiteracy in the NYT There Are Many Ways to Improve High School Education: Dumbing It Down Is NOT One of Them Does mathematics have a place in higher education? Abandoning Algebra Is Not the Answer It’s Not the Algebra, It’s the…
I'm on my annual summer hiatus for the month of July so I'll be only publishing my weekly Friday Fun posts as well as re-posting some of the interviews I did a few years ago on the old blog with people from the publishing, library and science worlds. Not that my posting of late has been…