Around the Web: College Reinvented, Shirky on MOOCs, Newspapers & citizenship and more apocalypse

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Or, more precisely, a university designed by libertarians. Over the last number of months, I've featured a fair bit of apocalyptic MOOC Disruptionism in my regular Around the Web posts. Recently, the libertarian think tank, The Cato Institute (Wikipedia) via their Cato Unbound site, has put online…
For your reading and collection development pleasure!Planned Obsolescence: Publishing, Technology, and the Future of the Academy by Kathleen Fitzpatrick Academic institutions are facing a crisis in scholarly publishing at multiple levels: presses are stressed as never before, library budgets are…
On Naming Names and Calling Out Trolls Gawker, Reddit, Free Speech and Such Millennials: They Aren’t So Tech Savvy After All Project Information Literacy: Inventing the Workplace and How College Graduates Solve Information Problems Once They Join the Workplace The Philosophy of Open Access…
They were amateurish videos, often black and white, sometimes just a disembodied hand writing simple equations on a blackboard as a quirky voice from off screen gave well practiced short lectures highlighting the essential learning elements. The pedagogy was revolutionary, university level material…