- The Ph.D Bust: America's Awful Market for Young Scientists—in 7 Charts
- The Ph.D. Bust, Pt. II: How Bad Is the Job Market For Young American-Born Scientists?
- Tenure Track as Alt-Ac
- Ph.D. Job Woes
- How Many Ph.D.'s Actually Get to Become College Professors?
- Government vs. the Public: Mind the science gap
- #CanComm, Conferences, and the Search for Allies
- What I learned about Librarianship from the Signage on the Underground
- The human in digital humanities
- Why the Web will gut paid e-books and apps, and why free can pay for authors and publishers
- The publishing industry has a problem, and EPUB is not the solution
- Open letter on the White House public access directive
- Social coding and scholarly communication – open for collaboration
- Taking time to think about expectations for women in undergraduate science
- Academic Jerks
- 7 ineffective habits of scientists who communicate with public audiences
- A Sokal-style hoax by an anti-religious philosopher
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