- What makes one a librarian?
- Goodbye, Faculty Status
- Library employees protest changed title: New designation for incoming employee provokes heated debate
- why should librarians learn python? (a better answer)
- Why Not Grow Coders from the inside of Libraries?
- Alt-Ac: Breathing Life into Libraries or Eroding the Profession?
- Of Hybrarians, Scholar-Librarians, Academic Refugees, & Feral Professionals
- Fending off university-attacking zombies
- Defining the library ... reflexively
- The Powerful Art Of Resilience
- Pages of History (end of the scholarly journal article?)
- Topic Pages: PLoS Computational Biology Meets Wikipedia
- Why Is Change So Difficult?
- #btpdf2 #scholrev: Planning the scholarly revolution
- When TED Lost Control of Its Crowd
- Reselling E-Books and the One-Penny Problem
- Arguments for Open Access to Research Results
- The only winning move is not to play
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