Friday Fun: 25 Signs You’re Addicted To Books


Anyways, here are a couple. Enjoy.

25 Signs You’re Addicted To Books

"The first step is admitting it. The second step is to keep right on reading."

  • When you’re reading a good book, you forget to eat or sleep.
  • Sometimes there is yelling.
  • You’ve been traumatized by things that “only” happened in books you read.
  • You think of colors in terms of Penguin classics.
  • Rainy days > sunny days.
  • Walking by a closed bookstore is torture. (my favourite...)
  • You would never shame someone for reading. (my second favourite...)

Go read the whole list -- each item comes with a nice visual to represent that particular symptom of addiction.

Feel free to add your own symptom in the comments.


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