Friday Fun: "Seek Funding" Step Added To Scientific Method

From the "so funny it hurts" file....

‘Seek Funding’ Step Added To Scientific Method

PARIS—In an effort to modernize the principles and empirical procedures of examining phenomena and advancing humanity’s collective knowledge, the International Council for Science announced Thursday the addition of a “Seek Funding” step to the scientific method. .... “Next, scientists simply modify their study’s goals to align with the vision of potential funders and wait for several months to hear back. At this point—should this step be successful, of course—they can move on to the experimental stage, and then to analysis.”

It's very the whole thing over at the Onion site.


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I thought that was how the Cons were running scientific research.

By jrkrideau (not verified) on 20 Nov 2015 #permalink

This is one of those cases where the Onion is barely keeping up with what's been happening in the so-called real world. US science has been effectively operating that way for at least 20 years, and the rest of the world is catching up.

By Eric Lund (not verified) on 25 Nov 2015 #permalink