Get your climate change data here: A big list of climate change data sources & repositories

We have a Steacie Library Hackfest coming up and our there this year is Making a Difference with Data. And what better area to make a difference in than the environment and climate change?

I am far from an expert on this topic, so suggestions for additions (and deletions if I've added anything inappropriate) are welcome. In particular, deeper and more complete data sources for Canada would be nice to have. I would also very much like to improve coverage beyond the North American focus with a wider variety of targeted regional and national data sources.

This set of lists is not meant to be complete or comprehensive.

Directories of Data Sources & Repositories


Data Sources -- Canada


Data Sources -- USA


Data Sources -- International


Data Sources -- Various Individual Countries/Regions


General Data Repositories


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Great, thanks!

By John Baez (not verified) on 31 Jan 2016 #permalink