Losing the War on Terrorism

Foreign Policy magazine has an article ( href="http://web1.foreignpolicy.com/issue_julyaug_2006/TI-index/index.html">The
Terrorism Index
) about the Global and Perpetual War
on Terrorism.  It is a compilation and analysis of the results
of a survey of 117 experts on foregin policy and terrorism.
 The main finding is that 86% of the experts agree that we are
losing the war on terrorism.  

It is remarkable that there is such strong agreement among experts on
this topic.  Given the strength of their findings, and the
popularity of the topic, you might think that the article would gain
widespread attention.

Instead, it has barely made a ripple.

[For some reason, MT is not letting me post this entire entry, so to read the rest, you'll have to go over to MouseMusings. Sorry for the inconvenience.]


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