YAB...Yet Another Bushism

This is from a recent White House press conference. The
is on Yahoo News.

QUESTION: A lot of the consequences
mentioned for pulling out seem like maybe they never would have been
there if we hadn’t gone in. How do you square all of that

BUSH: I square it because imagine a world in which you had
Hussein, who had the capacity to make a weapon of mass destruction, who
was paying suiciders to kill innocent life, who had relations with

You know, I’ve heard this theory about, you know,
everything was just fine until we arrived [in Iraq] and — you
know, the
stir-up-the-hornet’s- nest theory. It just doesn’t
hold water, as far
as I’m concerned.

The terrorists attacked us and killed 3,000 of our citizens
before we started the freedom agenda in the Middle East. They were

QUESTION: What did Iraqi have to do
with that?

BUSH: What did Iraq have to do with what?

QUESTION: The attacks upon the World Trade Center.

BUSH: Nothing.
. . . .Except for it’s part
of — and nobody’s ever suggested in this
administration that Saddam
Hussein ordered the attack. Iraq was a — Iraq — the
lesson of September
the 11th is: Take threats before they fully materialize...

The video is up at href="http://www.crooksandliars.com/2006/08/21/bush-says-iraq-had-%e2%80%98nothing%e2%80%99-to-do-with-911/"
rel="tag">Crooks and Liars.


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