Anyone Can Get Diebold Key

Now we learn that the keys that open Diebold voting machines are widely available on the Internet. These people are fools. The nutty thing is this: Diebold also makes ATMs. Are their ATMs constructed with such shoddy security? Probably not. What does this mean?

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Damn. No reason for this whatsoever. Just finished voting in a provincial election here in Canada; all paper, very simple, too many people arond to try anything, simple safeguards in place to prevent fraud.

I'm well past the point of thinking "simple incompetance" here. I strongly believe these machines are meant to be tampered with.

Of course they are. The point blank refusal to provide any sort of paper receipt should prove that. Maryland uses those machines - Maryland also just started allowing anyone to vote absentee - paper! - whether they're abroad or not.