Unkind Photo



(nuclear football)

contain one of these...?


(alcohol analyzer)

 It never occurred to me before, but shouldn't it
be required that the President stay 100% sober at all times?

Apparently not...


This unkind photo was published by Britain's #1 quality website,
Telegraph.co.uk.  It accompanies href="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/06/08/wbush108.xml">a
story on a "stomach ailment" that troubled Bush on the last
day of the G8 summit.  More href="http://www.towleroad.com/2007/06/is_bush_off_the.html">here.

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Meh, I really don't see what Bush does on his own time has anything to do with his presidential duties. And besides, didn't he win the 2004 election because people felt like they could have a beer with him?

When you claim to be "holier than thou", then yes, it does matter. He goes around saying god made him sober and that god told him to invade Iraq, well I guess god is 0 for 2 now. BTW, Its non-alcholic beer which has a low amount of alcohol and is a problem when drunk by drunks.

Well, teetotaling, "God speaks to me" Bush has been an abject failure for seven years. Maybe we should give frat boy Bush a try. He's the worst president in modern history. How much more poorly could he do?

While I agree with the sentiment that Bush's Presidency has been a disaster, passing on these kinds of attacks full of speculation and short on facts is as cheap as the journalism it came from.

According to "Countdown" last night, a part of the photo that was cropped showed the bottle the glass came from. The label was visible and it was a non-alcoholic beer.

I've never heard that GWB was an alcoholic. I've heard him say that he stopped drinking at 40 (on his birthday, perhaps) because he realized that it wasn't good for him. Alcohol counselors will tell you that if you can stop on your own, you are not an alcoholic.

PS--drinking British beer *will* make you sick.

From that Telegraph article: "Mr Bush decided to meet Nicolas Sarkozy, the French President, in his private quarters earlier today for an hour. The new French leader confirmed Mr Bush was not in top form."

I'd hate to have to diplomatize with him on his off days.