Having a Bad Day?

alt="Flickr. By Chickenboots. Creative Commons License"
title="Flickr. By Chickenboots. Creative Commons License"
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Shows what can happen when you withhold cheezburgers.

(The href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/dah-sab/148054501/">caption
indicates that the lizard survived.

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photo by Chickenboots.

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I Can Has Fierz Draggon!

I'm sorry but I don't find this funny at all. I have Bearded Dragons and they're beautiful lizards. I also have a friend who's cat eats wild ones. It's sad and worrying that domestic cats are killing Australian native animals, and to me, it is certainly NOT something that cheers me up.

By Kelly Schneider (not verified) on 20 Mar 2010 #permalink