Speaking Peace to Power

In this case, peace won.


Marisa Crockett speaks to an Albuquerque
Police Department officer at UNM about her free hugs project to travel
across the United States in her bio-fueled car, offering hugs and
hoping to get the word out about her recycling program. The officer was
responding to a complaint, but momentarily left after a few friendly
words, Tuesday, October 2, 2007.


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It's nice to see this come around again; there really isn't anything new. I remember reading several years ago about a middle-aged man who made news by offering hugs to everybody who would accept them: bus drivers, passers-by, etc.

Hugs are good. Let's all have more of them. I hear that they often lead to smiles, and those are good, too.

Gotta go; my wife needs a hug!

-- Art Z.

I'd hit it!

That isn't an APD officer thats a UNM Officer.