Two Problems, One Solution

Problem #1: College Republicans were shamed by href="">Operation
 They think it is a good idea to have a war, so long as they
do not have to risk their own lives.  Now they need a way to
redeem themselves, but clearly something that is life-threatening is
not going to work.

Problem #2: href="">Crops
are rotting in the fields due to insufficient farm
labor.  The same College Republicans think it is funny to href="">pretend
to catch an illegal immigrant.  They fret about what
these illegal immigrant might do in the USA.

Solution: have College Republicans spend their summers picking crops.


While they're at it, they could spend a few days hauling
rocks, nailing roofing shingles, and making beds in motel rooms.
 By and large, it is not dangerous work.  But it is
real work.  Who knows?  It could be an educational
experience for them.  Maybe they could even get college credit
for their efforts.  

Along the way, they might learn what most illegal immigrants actually
do while they are here: the same things everyone else does: get up,
have breakfast, go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch TV.
 It is not clear to me what is so fearsome about that, but
then, I'm not a Republican.

I suppose some College Republicans have href="">other
priorities, but it is hard to imagine what those priorities
would be.  At least they would be contributing to society with
their efforts.

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Problem #Zero (preceding Problem #1), is that College Republicans in general don't seem to be able to feel shame. Like their elders, they appear to be shameless. And so, while we might have expected them to be shamed (by Operation Yellow Elephant, and hundreds of other events and experiences over the years), I'm afraid that they were not, in fact, shamed.

Hard physical labor, such as you've described, will also help the College and Young Republicans improve their overall levels of physical fitness, which can positively affect self-confidence in many areas of life, as well as prompt others to respect them more.

This may help inspire at least some of them to Be A Man! Enlist! If they and the others can at least get laid, perhaps they would feel better enough about themselves to consider some way of fulfilling society's expectations of its future leaders.