Legislation to End War in Iraq

The Honorable John Dingell has drafted legislation that
would bring an end to the war in Iraq.  There is no bill
number yet, so it is a bit too early for us all to write our
Representatives to urge support.

Introduces Legislation Requiring U.S. Pullout from Iraq by January 20,

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Washington, DC - Congressman John D. Dingell (D-MI15)
today introduced legislation setting a hard date for a pullout from
Iraq.  The bill does not yet have a number.  The
Congressman made the following remarks on this legislation:

"Yesterday the President announced that he will ask Congress for almost
$200 billion to continue his failed policies in Iraq.  He has
also presumptively warned those that disagree with his Iraq strategy
that "they ought to make sure our troops have what it takes to
succeed."  This type of divisive politics may have worked for
the President in the past, but the majority of Americans now realize
that it is the President who is not giving the troops what they need: a
clear plan for quickly and safely getting our troops out of Iraq...

Michigan Peaceworks
has the href="http://michiganpeaceworks.org/dingell_legislation.html">text
of the legislation.  The Bill calls for repeal of
the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of
2002, (PL 107-243); a ban on funds used to construct permanent U.S.
military bases in Iraq; and for troops begin withdrawing within first
30 days.  It allows for troops in the Embassy, for limited
antiterrorism operations, and for humanitarian missions.
 Otherwise, troops are to be out by Inauguration Day, 2009.

The introduction of this legislation will put pressure on some of the
candidates to clarify their positions regarding the War.  I
hope they support it.  If they are smart, they will.
 If the troops aren't mostly out by Inauguration Day, the next
President is very likely to be a one-term President.


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