True Cost of Alternative Energy

People who advocate alternative energy (i.e. not oil or
natural gas)
often fail to appreciate the true cost of developing the necessary
technology.  Courtesy of href="">Cryptogon, I
now present a chart that
illustrates these true costs, in proper perspective.


As you can see, development of alternative fuels costs
almost nothing, compared to fighting a war against even a third-rate

Imagine what a real war would cost.

And you want to vote for a pro-war candidate?  Please explain.

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Yeah, but how can you put a price on the satisfaction of imperialistic domination?

its not the war, that was over in days, its the endless, endless occupation that is costing the real money. If there was an actual threat to defeat we would be home by now. If the point was to invade, take over and set up a puppet government with a permant, large US military presence, we would still be there taking causulties every day.

"We will bankrupt ourselves in the vain search for absolute security."
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

(I hoped he meant that as a metaphor but now I'm not so sure.)

Screw Iraq, Afghanistan and The Middle East. I'd much rather them living under the repressive sadistic regimes then under free governments. After all Bush is 20x worse then the worst ME dictator. They deserve it.

Its an elastic currency... so we'll just have to eventually burn all the money we printed for this war. Which could offer a new source of combustible energy, "Funny Money". Maybe Bush aint so dumb!

Now, if there were no oil under Iraq ... how big is the cost of Afghanistan or Korean operations, by contrast?

By Hank Roberts (not verified) on 10 Nov 2007 #permalink

It's absolutely absurd. And with the Republicans today blocking the Energy bill, while all this is still going, it's even more absurd.

Procedure of loading batteries of an electrical vehicle by Aeolic system

The recharges of batteries, which supplies energy to the electric motor of a vehicle, will be carried out through an Aeolic System composed by the following elements:



-controller with load


The vehicle, being left over, will always have some air amount whose speed will be directly propertional to the same speed of the vehicle.

The air will enter in the autobody by the embrasures placed in the frontal part of the vehicle, and it will canalized towards the rotores.

The rotores could be one or more and they will be placed inside the auto body in a way not to hinder the advance of the vehicle creating friction.

The Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG) concurs of extracting the maximum

power by the rotor.

The controller with loads serves to prevent the damaging of the batteries.

The generated current will be alternating current trifase (AC) and will be converted from the rectifier in direct current (DC).

The generator, the controllers electronics, the rectifier and the batteries will be placed into the vehicle.

The direct current, finally, will be canalized, by a power cable , towards the batteries and it will recharge to them.

It will be also possible to load the batteries when the vehicle is stopped.

This is possible because the wind, investing the car from several points, will be put towards a rotor that will create described energy.

Purposes of the plan and advantages:

* to produce energy to cost 0 and 0 emissions, bringing a remarkable

economic, ecological and social advantage.

* the energy produced in march feeds the same march of the vehicle and there is no need to stop for the refueling.

* development of an innovative system based on rotators and generators placed into the autobody.

We are looking for patnership

cav. Salvatore Forzisi

via bezzecca 2

40139 Bologna

tel.(+39) 051 6233600

mobile(+39) 3465048310

By salvatore forzisi (not verified) on 18 Dec 2007 #permalink