Dick Cheney Is A Liar And Should Be Impeached Immediately

From Think Progress:

title="Permanent link to 'Cheney swore off ‘moderate’ campaign promises a month after 2000 election.'">Cheney
swore off ‘moderate’ campaign promises a month
after 2000 election.

his new book, former Rhode Island Republican senator Lincoln Chafee
reveals that even before President Bush was sworn into office after the
2000 elections, Cheney had href="http://www.rollcall.com/issues/53_112/hill_bookshelf/22716-1.html">rejected
the “moderate course” laid out in their

alt="vertchafeegi.jpg" class="imgright" align="left"
height="135" width="122">The former Senator describes
a December 2000 meeting of Republican
moderates with Vice President-elect Cheney. Chafee listened as Cheney
swore off the moderate course he and Bush had just finished championing
in their campaign.

Hearing Cheney say “the campaign was
over and that our
actions in office would not be dictated by what had to be said in the
campaign,” Chafee writes
, was “the
most demoralizing moment of my seven-year tenure in the

In his book, Chafee angrily adds about the incident,
“Mr. Cheney tore our best campaign promises to shreds and the
instead of pelting him with outrage.”

Yeah, and the opposition party acquiesced, too.  As did the
American People.  


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I am no fan of Cheney's, however, I am a student of political science. You cannot impeach someone for not following through with campaign promises even if the person never intended to do so in the first place. You can vote the bums out of office and vote in someone more likely to hold to the path you want.

I am no fan of Cheney's, however, I am a student of political science. You cannot impeach someone for not following through with campaign promises even if the person never intended to do so in the first place. You can vote the bums out of office and vote in someone more likely to hold to the path you want.

Plenty of other reasons to impeach him and his sidekick though. Doesn't seem like that's ever likely to happen though.

There's no law against lying to get elected.

The world does however recognize war crimes. Start the tribunals! Hurry up and subject Cheney to extraordinary rendition to a secret overseas prison and let the torture begin. And, uh, make it last about eight years.

By Serjis Werking (not verified) on 02 Apr 2008 #permalink

I agree, there are other reasons. However, the author of the post appears to be using Cheney lying to get into office as justification for impeachment.

The author of the post didn't say anything about impeachment. I don't know a whole lot about Cheney, but if indeed his promises weren't kept, the senate and house can at least say they won't help him pass anything that clearly opposes what they had been promised. The American people could also be a little more outraged and at least speak with their congressman. Impeachment isn't the only option.

Not really sure why this is an issue. Um, try reading the title ("Should Be Impeached Immediately").

I agree, impeachment isn't the only option. We should have voted them out about four years ago.

While anyone over the age of 12 should know that campaign promise reneges are not impeachable offenses, and yes, the voters have shown their underwhelming outrage over Cheney's many overreaches, I would like to know why the commentary on this is in the PAST tense, as if anything different is happening today?

Yes, I'm being facetious!