I found this at John Fleck's href="http://www.inkstain.net/fleck/?p=2310">Inkstain, but others are writing about it, too.  Some think it is a hoax perpetrated to promote anthropogenic global warming denialism; others think it is an attempt to discredit the denialists.   I was all excited at the prospect that humans aren’t causing global warming after all, that it’s really href="http://www.geoclimaticstudies.info/benthic_bacteria.htm">benthic bacteria. Then Roger Pielke Jr., suspicious bastard that he is, had to go and href="http://sciencepolicy.colorado.edu/prometheus/archives/…
A recent study indicates that the lifetime cost of medical care for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans will be greater than the cost of the war to date.  We really have no choice, but it is going to cost us.  A lot.  Of course, the ones really paying are the troops themselves.  From Medscape (free registration required). href="http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/565407">High Rate of PTSD in Returning Iraq War Veterans Bob Roehr November 6, 2007 (Washington, DC) — Estimates of the rate of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among veterans returning from Iraq range from 12% to 20%. With…
href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/" title="Click this link to find out details of the Creative Commons license associated with this image."> src="http://creativecommons.org/images/public/somerights20.gif" alt="There is a Creative Commons license attached to this image." style="border: medium none ;" height="31" width="88"> class="ccIcn ccIcnSmall"> href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/"> src="http://l.yimg.com/www.flickr.com/images/cc_icon_attribution_small.gif" alt="Attribution" title="Attribution" border="0"> src="http://…
This cartoon is by href="http://www.claybennett.com/about.html">Clay Bennett, the editorial cartoonist for the Christian Science Monitor. I guess that is one way to get re-elected.  Tell people what they want to hear.
Medical/technical illustrators too often are forgotten.  They add value to publications, and need to be compensated.  So what will be the effect, as open-access publishing becomes more common?   It is hard to know for sure, as the whole field is evolving so rapidly.  But Peter Suber, writing at href="http://www.earlham.edu/%7Epeters/fos/2007/11/does-oa-help-or-hurt-scientific.html">Open Access News, thinks the OA movement will be beneficial to illustrators.  He links to an article by href="http://www.medical-illustrations.ca/2007/11/02/open-access-and-medical-art/">Tim Fedak, which…
href="http://www.researchblogging.org/"> alt="Blogging on Peer-Reviewed Research" src="http://www.researchblogging.org/public/citation_icons/rb2_large_gray.png" height="50" width="80">The researchers did fMRI of brains of persons with href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borderline_personality_disorder" rel="tag">Borderline Personality Disorder, before and after psychotherapy.  This was a small study, using a design that would be difficult to use routinely, but it is provisionally interesting.  Difficult, because the patients received 12 weeks of inpatient therapy (perhaps…
I am glad to see this, because I have never played the game, but have been curious.  So I gather that the game is mildly amusing, but gets old. via href="http://parody.videosift.com/video/What-Second-Life-is-REALLY-Like" title="What Second Life is REALLY Like">videosift.com
This is a photo from the space telescope Hubble, as shown on National Geographic's site.  The conglomeration of the two galaxies is known as Arp 87. href="http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/11/photogalleries/wip-week53/photo3.html">October 30, 2007—A new Hubble image offers the most detailed view yet of a pair of galaxies entwined in a graceful dance 300 million light-years away. The image reveals fine structures that couldn't be seen when the pair was first cataloged in the 1960s... ...Interacting galaxies like Arp 87 are known to have some of the universe's highest…
There is very little published about this, so I have no idea why it happened.  Dick Cheney's attorney, href="http://www.usnews.com/blogs/news-desk/2007/11/1/cheney-lawyer-is-leaving.html">Shannen Coffin, has resigned.  He "is expected to take a breather from the rapid pace of government service," then return to private practice. The announcement was made late Thursday last week, and was essentially ignored by the media.  Google News lists only the US News & World Report article, and one mention at href="http://www.tpmmuckraker.com/archives/004627.php">TPM Muckraker.  Perhaps…
Yes, it has come to this.  Increasingly, college graduates are trading their mortarboards for hard hats.  Why? Because that is where the jobs are.  Plus, there is a looming wave of retirements, as most current coal miners are in their 50's.  The story is at href="http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/1031/p01s05-usgn.html">Christian Science Monitor.   Note: it is not as gloomy as it sounds.
Again, my weakness for cute animals takes hold.  I saw a piece on Yahoo News about a href="http://news.yahoo.com/nphotos/Buenos-Aires/photo//071102/photos_od_afp/d6b664898c02c8a712b81c441e343e56//s:/afp/20071102/od_afp/argentinaaustraliaanimalkangaroo_071102005235;_ylt=AuUk1l0pYqwPyI7YihPOxZmhOrgF">white baby kangaroo born in a zoo in Argentina, a canguro blanco.  The only photo they have is small: href="http://news.yahoo.com/nphotos/Buenos-Aires/photo//071102/photos_od_afp/d6b664898c02c8a712b81c441e343e56//s:/afp/20071102/od_afp/argentinaaustraliaanimalkangaroo_071102005235;_ylt=…
...11 miles from Denver, in a wildlife refuge, forcing the cancellation of a number of public events. This refers to a placed called the href="http://www.fws.gov/rockymountainarsenal/">Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge, near Commerce City, Colorado.  Their website now states, simply: Wildlife Refuge Temporarily Closed Public visitation to the Refuge has been temporarily suspended due to a specific remediation project. All tours and programs have been cancelled until further notice. Visitor safety is our number one priority and we appreciate your patience during…
Folded from a single, square piece of paper.  It even has the cerebellum! Source: Origami Page, by Brian Chan HT: href="http://growabrain.typepad.com/growabrain/2007/11/predicting-the-.html">Grow A Brain
A site called LibriVox now has a catalog of over 1,000 free audiobooks.  They are all in the public domain; all have been read and recorded by volunteers.  It's a nice supplement to the 20,000+ free books in the href="http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page">Project Gutenberg Online Book Catalog. HT: href="http://www.earlham.edu/%7Epeters/fos/2007/11/librivox-releases-its-1000th-free.html">Open-Access News
rel="tag">Anhedonia is one of the most important symptoms of depression.  I wrote href="http://scienceblogs.com/corpuscallosum/2007/03/basic_concepts_anhedonia.php">a post about it a while back, so I won't go into the definition in this post, other than to summarize by saying that it is the inability to experience pleasure in response to activities or events that otherwise would be pleasurable. It is difficult to do studies on the brain mechanisms involved in the genesis of individual symptoms.  Progress has been made, but it has been slow. When I was in residency, toward the end…
11/11 is to be the new 9/11, according to the jihad-watchers at href="http://www.debka.com/" rel="tag">DEBKAfile.   href="http://www.debka.com/headline.php?hid=4723">DEBKAfile Exclusive: Al Qaeda declares Cyber Jihad on the West October 30, 2007, 9:23 AM (GMT+02:00) In a special Internet announcement in Arabic, picked up DEBKAfile's counter-terror sources, Osama bin Laden's followers announced Monday, Oct. 29, the launching of Electronic Jihad. On Sunday, Nov. 11, al Qaeda's electronic experts will start attacking Western, Jewish, Israeli, Muslim apostate and Shiite Web sites. On…
(AP) href="http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/11/01/politics/main3441060.shtml?source=RSSattr=HOME_3441060">President Bush compared Congress' Democratic leaders Thursday with people who ignored the rise of Lenin and Hitler early in the last century, saying "the world paid a terrible price" then and risks similar consequences for inaction today. Yeah.  If the Dems don't impeach the guy who's talking about World War III, we very well could pay a terrible price for inaction. Oh, and which is better: going to war reluctantly, and winning, or going to war eagerly, and being a loser?
This won't happen, but I think it should.  Television media should not be allowed to participate, other than to do the broadcast.  The media performance in the 10/30/07 Democratic debate shows that MSM do not know how to conduct a useful debate.   Find a good media company, say Seed Media, and have them host the Democratic Party debate.  Have the editorial board prepare topics & guidelines for questions.  Show the topics & guidelines, but not the questions, to the candidates ahead of time. Get some scientists to write the questions, using the topics & guidelines.  Get some…
This is a href="http://www.digitimes.com/displays/a20070404PD212.html">pico-projector from Texas Instruments.  The idea is to have a device that can project an image onto a screen, using a very small device such as a PDA.  Right now the usable image size is about 15 to 20 inches.  They hope to scale it up to 40 inches. I suspect that they envision this as a solution for small sales presentations and the like.  Personally, I'd like to see it investigated for use in mainstream computing.  Imagine the typical usage of an office computer: word processing, email, maybe a small spreadsheet.  …
It was kind of depressing to see the post on Effect Measure ( href="http://scienceblogs.com/effectmeasure/2007/10/chemical_plants_internal_dange.php#more">Chemical plants: internal dangers, external costs) about the half-measures being taken to safeguard chemical plants and facilities. The chemical security problem is as urgent as it is obvious. Chemical plants are potentially static weapons of mass destruction: large volumes of ammonia, chlorine, highly flammables like propane, large repositories of chlorinated organic solvents and chemical feedstocks like phosgene and more. The…