Plasticity and the Visual Cortex

It's in every neuroscience textbook: the kitten that never saw with stereoscopic vision, because Hubel and Weisel sutured one of its eyes shut during the "critical period" of brain development. The moral, at least as I was taught it, was that plasticity has limits. After infancy, our brain begins to harden into shape. If you don't see stereoscopically as a baby, then you never will. Binocular cells don't develop in adults.

Oliver Sacks had an insightful article in The New Yorker a few weeks ago about a woman who seems to disprove Hubel and Weisel's cat. And now, Robert Krulwich has a wonderful version of the story on Morning Edition. Just fascinating.

P.S. Jake Young provides a possible molecular explanation in the comments section below...

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