The New Hampshire Primary

I've lived in New Hampshire for almost a year now, and I'm still not used to the constant presence of presidential hopefuls. Yesterday, Bill was here. Pataki was supposed to come, but the floods kept him in NY. In the last month, we've had Warner, Feingold, Clark, McCain and just about everyone else daydreaming about a White House run in 2008. Last time I checked, Kerry still had a billboard up.

Now I don't mind all the attention. It's pretty amusing. But I've also lived in Los Angeles and New York City, and I can honestly say that I've seen more politicians in the last few months (and the primary is still 18 months away) than I ever saw in those two huge metropoli. Is this democratic? Is it fair that a small New England state and a rural Midwestern state draw such an inordinate amount of presidential attention? I'm sure that the next leader of the free world will be well acquainted with the potholes of my local town. I'm not so sure he (or she!) will be as well versed in the problems facing the rest of the country. (Notable exceptions include Ohio, Florida and possibly Pennsylvania. Once the primaries are over, they'll be swamped with presidential caravans too.)


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