A Real Rip Van Winkle

I'd never heard of this disorder before. It's like the awful flipside of fatal familial insomnia:

Every four months or so, Spencer Spearin climbs into bed and sleeps for days or longer.

"I might not be with you for a couple weeks," Spearin said. "I missed my birthday. I missed my graduation. I can't remember what I ate yesterday. I can't remember what I did yesterday."

Many times, the disorder appears after a flu-like illness.

Dr. Emanuel Mignot said patients suffer from periodic episodes of extreme sleepiness and abnormal, child-like behavior.

"They feel like they are in a fog," Mignot said. "They don't know exactly the reality around them. If you try to wake them up they are very irritable."

Spearin's father, David, said his son can tell when a spell is coming.

"He'll say my head's fuzzy, it's getting tight, there's pressure," Spearin said. "And it won't be long from there that he'll be in his room."

During the dream-like state, most patients only get up to use the bathroom or eat -- often enormous amounts of food.

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