Happy New Year

Just wanted to thank everyone for making this blog such a consistent source of pleasure for me. I don't deserve such a smart audience, but I'm endlessly grateful for it. And thanks for putting up with all the shameless self-horn tooting over the past few months. I hope everyone out there has a happy and healthy new year.

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I loved the book and enjoy the blog! Keep up the good work.

Just wanted to thank everyone for making this blog such a consistent source of pleasure for me. I don't deserve such a smart audience, but I'm endlessly grateful for it.

Hey Jonah,
Enjoying the blog is a 2 way street! I always look forward to my next trip back cuz you always seem to come up with interesting, insightful and relevant topics. Keep up the great job and we will all enjoy 08 together, along with all the friends we tell about your blog! Happy New Year!
Dave Briggs :~)

driving through St. Louis a month or so ago listening to an interview with you about your latest writing called home that night and asked the Love of my life to consider adding your book to my Christmas list - she did and Christmas morning i was happy to unwrap a copy - haven't finished but I'm enjoying your book very much - keep up the good works and have a Happy Healthy and Prosperous New Year

Your book came in the mail today!! My present from me to me. I can't wait to read it. And your literate blogs are refreshing. Happy New Year!!

By Alice Parker (not verified) on 31 Dec 2007 #permalink

Read your article on "The Futue of Science is Art." in Seed.Thought provoking.I have a degree in Zoology and a degree in Fine Art.I have worked as a technician in food microbiology for ten years(unhappily).Interested in any suggestions you might have on developing these two interests.I have published one piece of writing and have had one professional exhibition. I am familiar with metaphor theory (Ie Lakeoff, Mark Johnson) and coneptual blending (Mark Turner.) Also interested in Kosslyn's mental imagery work.Working in an interdisciplinary fashion in these areas is interesting and exciting to me. I outlined one article that discussed conceptual blending in art but got hung up in describing the works chosen iconographically or semiotically. Also outlined a book proposal titled "Drawing with Intelligence" that presents the scientific background to the processes used in creating art. I found that most artist's aren't that interested in these processes so I have delayed pursuing this. Any direction or input you might have would be appreciated.

By Steven Marr (not verified) on 01 Jan 2008 #permalink

I too am very grateful for your book, blogs, contribution to Radio lab, and articles in Seed, Jonah. Happy New Year to all who contribute to this site.

To respond to Steven Marr's comments on the creative process, the best science I'm aware of is that of Herbert Benson, MD; see his book called The Break-Out Principle. After an initial struggle with whatever problem you are dealing with be it scientific, artistic or social, it is possible to trigger a breakthrough by cultivating a relaxed state. The way to get there through meditation (one of many options suggested by Benson as a trigger) is described in Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche's book Dharma Art (now out of print but reprinted in Volume Seven of his Collected Works). More than just for artists it is about living your life as a creative process.

Happy New Year! I am working my way slowly through the book - just finished the Proust chapter. Now I want to read Proust. It is all very fascinating.

You mentioned Vincent van Gogh in that chapter(on pg 101) and it made me wonder if you know about this theory - that van Gogh was being treated with digitalis (aka digoxin), which would have altered his vision by producing yellow and blue halos around objects. There are a couple of articles on the subject (just google digitalis and van gogh). There is no direct evidence that van Gogh was being treated for a heart condition, except that at least two of his paintings are of his doctor holding a foxglove, the plant from which digitalis comes from. It is possible that van Gogh really did see what he painted.

Hi, Jonah. My latest Amazon shipment just arrived last week and your book was in it. I must say everything about the physical book is exquisite and, judging by the reviews, I'm pretty confident the content is, too. Can't wait to start reading tonight.

Happy New Year!!! Hope you have a great career ahead as a writer.

By Dr. Feelgood (not verified) on 01 Jan 2008 #permalink