Senate To Fund Ocean Acidification Research

A bill in the senate has passed that will focus research on ocean acidification. The Lutenberg Measure, crafted by Senator Frank R. Lutenberg (D-NJ) and cosponsored by Barbara Boxer (D-CA), directs funds to the National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study of the acidification of oceans and how this process affects the United States.

"Ocean acidification is a threat to our marine ecosystem and our economy," said Sen. Lautenberg. "The change in ocean chemistry caused by greenhouse gases is corrosive and affects our marine life, food supply and overall ocean health. But research on ocean acidification is still in its infancy. This study will help establish the research and monitoring critical to protect the health of our oceans and to assess the social and economic impacts to our country."

Senator Boxer said, "Our oceans are in serious trouble. Scientists are now warning us that increased greenhouse gases are acidifying our ocean waters, endangering wildlife and the ocean's ability to absorb carbon dioxide. Our oceans are already under assault from overfishing and pollution and this critical provision will go a long way toward increasing our understanding of the serious threat posed by ocean acidification and what we can do to stop it."

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