Craig Most Certainly Did Not Break The Boat

Figures. I am out of town for a week and someone feels the need to generate some gossip about me. The latest heinous character assassination comes from Rick at MBSL&S claiming that I broke MBARI's beloved Western Flyer. To bring you up to speed you can read this post. Now I whole heartedly admit that I am tough on things...clothes, vehicles, mountain bikes, previous girlfriends and my wife, laptop. However, I was nearly 1,200 miles when the great boat was broken. I have witnesses and documentation. If Rick would bother doing some research he would have seen the MBARI website.

MBARI's research vessel Western Flyer hit unmarked, submerged, granite rocks on Friday, February 8, while approaching the port of La Paz, in Baja California, Mexico. There were no serious injuries and no oil was spilled. The Western Flyer was on its way to La Paz from Moss Landing, in preparation for a four-month research expedition in the Gulf of California...The incident occurred while the Western Flyer was maneuvering to avoid another vessel in the narrow San Lorenzo channel entrance to La Paz, Mexico. The Mexican Navy responded and provided assistance. With help from a La Paz dive company, water leaks were quickly repaired in the engine compartment. Thanks to quick thinking and work by the ship's skipper and crew, the safety of the vessel was maintained at all times and no environmental damage occurred.

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