How many DGUs against alien abductions?

What I want to know is: how many DGUs against alien abduction?


By Elaine Douglas

47 abductions per hour in the United States

A just-released Roper Poll of adult Americans, commissioned by a Las
Vegas real estate developer, estimates there are 3.7 million abductees
in the United States. This is the number extrapolated from Roper's
random sample of 6,000 respondents, 2 percent of whom answered "yes"
to at least four out of five key questions developed by UFO
investigators. The questions, relating to experiences typical of the
abduction phenomena, were, (1) "have you ever awakened paralyzed with
strange figures or presences in the room;" (2) experienced "missing
time" for an hour or more; (3) experienced flying through the air; (4)
seen unusual balls of light in a room; (5) had any unusual scars? The
Roper figure is the first effort to quantify the abduction phenomena
and estimate the extent of alien abduction activity in the United

The figure of 3.7 million may indicate only part of the actual
activity, since many, if not most, abductees are abducted more than
once. If we assume an average of 5 abductions per person, that equals
18.5 million abductions. To calculate the rate of this activity, we
need a time span, say 45 years---the post-war period. These assumptions
suggest the aliens have conducted:

411,111 abductions per year
7,906 per week
1,129 per day, or
47 per hour,

in the continental United States alone for the past 45 years.

It is likely abductions have been going on for longer than 45
years. If a longer time period is used, this would reduce the rate of
activity. However, the poll did not count children, which aliens are
known to have abducted. Thus, 47 abductions per hour may be
substantially correct, if not understated.


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