Lott of the Rings

And, from the surely-it-can't-get-any-weirder department: After John Lott made people promise not to reveal the questions in his new survey, Mary Rosh posted the questions from the new survey to Usenet. I'm imagining it went something like this:

Nasty tricksy bloggers. We hates them, we hates them all.
No, some bloggers are nice. It's Lindgren we hates. He hurts us with his cruel report.
I'll show them with my Precious survey questions. Keep them secret, we can escape, even from Lambert, eh? Grow strong, eat fish every day.
No, we should post survey questions. Bloggers see we be good, good as fish.
But He will see, He will know, must keep Precious secret!
[posts survey questions]
Nooo! My Precious!!

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