In denial about Mary

Meanwhile, over in talk.politics.guns some folks are in denial about Mary Rosh. "The confession must be a forgery!" they said, prompting this exchange:

Clayton Cramer:
I asked Dr. Lott about it the other night, and he confirmed it. He also realizes now that using a pseudonym was probably not very wise.
Morton Davis:
Clayton, clarify please: Was Mary Rosh really John Lott?
In tonight's episode of Star Trek, the evil gungrabbers from planet Liberal Democrat face the coldly brilliant intellect of the merciless Mortbot; at the last second, their captain saves them when he presents the Mortbot with a fact which it cannot encompass in its database and its circuits get fried.

'I asked Dr. Lott about it the other night, and he confirmed it. He also realizes now that using a pseudonym was probably not very wise.'

How much clearer does he need to be?

'Does not compute....does not compute..... does not compute.... fzzt fzzt poof'


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