Henry Farrell observes that while Joyce Lee Malcolm's Reason article about Bellesiles describes several cases of misconduct other than Bellesiles, it does not mention Lott. However, this article is from the print edition, so it is likely to have been written before the Lott affair became public.
Dick Dahl has a story about the new book Evaluating Gun Policy. Meanwhile, Handgun-Free America are going to protest against Lott at the AEI Annual Dinner.
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Jesse Taylor has written a letter to the editor about John Lott and also gives his take on John Lott's suggestion that Iraqi civilians should have more guns. Kaimipono is deeply skeptical. Bill Berkowitz describes it like this:
Perhaps the weirdest bit of advice came from John Lott Jr., the now-…
John Lott and Michael Bellesiles are both mentioned in a new book, Historians in Trouble by Jon Wiener. Wiener argues that the reason why Lott still has his job but Bellesiles doesn't is power:
The answer briefly is power---especially power wielded by groups outside the history…
This is an annotated list of John Lott's on line reviews at Amazon
and at Barnes and Noble.
Most of his reviews were posted anonymously or under a false name, and he used this anonymity to post many five-star reviews of his own books and to pan rival books.
When you post a review at…
Otis Dudley Duncan has sent me some comments on the attempts by pro-gun folks to dismiss criticism of Lott as some sort of payback for Bellesiles:
I have gone out of my way to remark that the Bellesiles case is not helpful for evaluating Lott's work. My statement is in section 4 of…