US Newswire has a story about Lott's problems.
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Last December I examined a posting by John Ray who dismissed ozone depletion as a "Greenie scare" using facts he seemed to have just made up by himself. Now he's back, attacking gun control. This time he's not using facts that he made up---he's using facts that Lott made up. He quotes…
In his book The Seven Myths of Gun Control, Richard Poe has an extensive account of the murders. He is much more careful with his facts than the other pro-gun writers who hang an attack on safe storage laws on the tragedy. He interviewed the mother of the victims and…
Donald Kennedy, Editor-in-Chief of Science has an editorial (subscription required) in the April 18 edition entitled "Research Fraud and Public Policy". Here is some of it:
Michael Bellesiles, of Emory University, supported the gun control case with a book called Arming America. Part of his…
Lott has a posting on his blog where he insists
few will think that the site was set up with the intention of making others think that it was a parody.
I don't agree, but you can judge for yourself.
Jeff Johnson has another overblown story about From the story: