Lott's appearance on KSFO

In Lott's appearance on KSFO he talked about the Appalachian Law School shooting and described the two armed off-duty police officers who apprehended the shooter as "two students, one with a former law enforcement background". Lott knows full well (as this thread demonstrates) that both of them were current police officers. And they didn't stop the shooting---the shooter had run out of ammunition.

Lott also claimed that British gun control in the 20s, 50s and 90s was followed by an increase in crime in each case. I have data for homicide from 1857 to 1993 and violent crime in the 90s. There was a modest decrease in the 20s, no apparent change in the 50s and a marked decline in the 90s. I'm not saying that gun control should get credit, but the results were pretty well the opposite of what Lott claimed.


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