The Washington Post zings Lott for throwing stones at the New York Times from his glass house. Matt Welch also comments, while Greg Beato thinks that the New York Times has hit rock bottom when even John Lott is denigrating its integrity.
Andrew Chamberlain invites readers to join in an online debate about Lott and scholarly integrity.
Tom Spencer comments on the errors that Lott made on his blog.
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Last year blogger Xrlq
rel="nofollow">dismissed my criticism of
Lott as "paranoid rantings" and
"gratuitous attacks on Lott personally", calling me "Dim", "Timwit",
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David Glenn has an article (subscription required) in The Chronicle of Higher Education on the Ayres/Donohue/Lott dispute. Here are the responses from Lott and Whitley to the allegation of coding errors:
Mr. Lott replies that the alleged coding errors are irrelevant to the larger debate. "…
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Lindgren has updated his report. Main changes are the inclusion of a reply from John Lott and a dissection of Lott's new "Did I say three months? I meant one month. Yeah, that's the ticket!" claim.
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