
Terry Krepel writes about biased reporting from Krepel observes that their coverage of Lott exhibits bias by omission with two stories about Lott carefully avoiding mentioning the mysterious survey or Mary Rosh.


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In the Washington Post article Lott says: "I probably shouldn't have done it---I know I shouldn't have done it ---but it's hard to think of any big advantage I got except to be able to comment fictitiously," Well, I can think of one. Last January, the New York Post drafted an…
Jeff Johnson of writes a very pro-Lott piece on the dispute between Lott and Ayres and Donohue. Probably the most notable feature is what is not mentioned---there is nothing about the coding errors Lott made. We can be sure that Donohue mentioned the problem to…
Meanwhile, seems to be blissfully unaware of the Lott affair, with this story reporting: "Surveys Lott conducted in January 1997 indicated that guns are used more than two million times a year in self-defense, either by threatening to use a gun, brandishing it, firing…
On July 12 The Columbus Dispatch published a letter from Paul van Doorn replying to an earlier letter from David Mayer that I commented on. Here is an extract (hyperlinks added by me): Mayer claimed the research of economist John Lott establishes that "violent-crime rates fall after right-to-…