Everyone's talking about Mary

Everyone has something about Lott's latest untruth that I mentioned yesterday. Mark Kleiman says

Isn't there anyone in the management of the American Enterprise Institute with a modicum of institutional self-respect?

Brad Delong replies:

If they had any institutional self-respect, why would they keep James "Dow 36,000" Glassman and Kevin "We're Not Joking: Dow 36,000 by 2003" Hassett? Why would they keep Charles "I Don't Know What a Correlation Is" Murray? It's not just John "I've Taken My Own Courses, and I Can Report I'm Really a Great Teacher" Lott.

ArchPundit comments:

Kevin and I have both tried to converse with Lott and it resembles an exercise in nailing jello to the wall.

Also commenting are Tom Spencer and Atrios.


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